Surge- and Pulse Immunity Testing
Lightning- and surge- or NEMP- protection components are subject to various international standards. To prove conformity HUBER+SUHNER AG has set up a pulse-test laboratory with various pulse generators. All tests are based on the direct injection principle, i.e. the surge is directly loaded between centre conductor and outer conductor of the coaxial D.U.T. By means of an extremely fast oscilloscope the residual pulse can be analysed at the output of the device under test.
This document shall help to get along with the various international EMC standards that are relevant to coaxial (N)EMP and surge protectors and give you an update about the test equipment which is available in the HUBER+SUHNER pulse-test lab:
- Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test (ESD)
- Direct Lightning
- IEC 62305-1 waveform 10/350 µs
- Surge Tests
- IEC 61000-4-5 , waveforms (1.2/50 µs; 8/20 µs)
- High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP / NEMP)
- Mil-Std-188-125-1; Mil-Std-188-125-2, Mil-Std-464
- IEC 61000-2-9, IEC-77
- VG-96903-78, VG-96903-80, VG-95371-10
This document is not containing all aspects of pulse testing, it shall only help the reader to find his way through this subject and give hints where further information can be found.
*HUBER+SUHNER disclaims any liability resulting from incorrect installation and use, including any damages resulting from the use of tools and accessories other than the ones recommended herein.